Investment Asset Management: Rewards without risking it all

Objective investment planning integrated with your personalized financial goals enables us to make better investment decisions for your benefit. To help you preserve and grow the assets you have accumulated, we have adopted several investment principles that we hold sacred. These principles include:

  • Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation provide the foundation for managing the long-term risk and return of a portfolio.
  • Low-cost investing through the use of low-expense, no-load mutual funds and ETF’s.
  • Rebalancing portfolios on a consistent basis should reduce risk and increase returns over time.
  • A mandate to uphold an unbiased, objective, and advocacy role.

We assess your unique risk tolerance, time horizon, income needs, tax situation, and overall financial objectives. By designing a portfolio to help reduce market volatility with a higher probability of achieving the returns you require, we try to minimize the fluctuations of the capital markets while working to ensure your goals are attainable. Our investment design includes institutional modeling tools, state of the art independent investment research, and Nobel Prize winning formulas. We do this through the Quint Wealth Management Investment POD. The POD is designed to allow us to create a personalized portfolio for you with both asset and strategy diversification. While the majority of investors have the bulk of their assets in a passive buy and hold mode, i.e., investing in stocks and bonds for the long run, the academic research suggests that this is not the safest way to invest. There have been a number of substantial global market meltdowns over the past 100 years, ranging from the 90% losses in the stock market after 1929 to the 50%+ losses in 2000-2002 and 2008-2009. In those difficult periods, Defensive strategies…essentially using trend following methods (also known as “stop-loss” methods) to exit before the declines got too bad…were very helpful. The research studies on these methods show that, over the long run, defensive strategies cut maximum losses with little or no impact on the overall returns. It is also the case that there can be significant difference in performance across asset classes at various times. Tactical strategies aim to shift exposure to the best performing assets (using momentum measures) and away from those not performing as well. The research again confirms that this type of strategy has earned excess returns over passive buy and hold portfolios that maintain the same weights across assets regardless of their recent performance. We call these tactical strategies Opportunistic as they attempt to take advantage of the opportunities provided by shifting exposure to the strongest asset classes at the time. Clearly there are times when the buy and hold approach is the best way to go. The problem is that it is impossible to know in advance when those times might be and the potential downside exposure may be too great for many investors to withstand. This is why it can make more sense to diversify across these three major ways of investing…hence the POD: Passive, Opportunistic and Defensive. 

Once your Plan has been analyzed, the implementation of your investment portfolio can unfold. The continuum of a sound process ensures you are moving closer to your investment and financial goals. Implementation is performed with the following types of accounts:

  • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) - Roth and Traditional
  • IRA Rollovers
  • 401(k) and 403(b) plans
  • SEP’s
  • Profit Sharing Plans
  • Defined Benefit Plans
  • Annuities
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Trusts